Gabrielle Union

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Gabrielle Union News & events

Gabrielle Union Defends Rihanna's 'Man Down' Murder And Rape Scene - Actress Gabrielle Union has defended Rihanna's controversial new video for 'Man Down'. The video …
Gabrielle Union Defends Rihanna's 'Man Down' Murder And Rape Scene

Actress Gabrielle Union has defended Rihanna's controversial new video for 'Man Down'. The video, released earlier last week, was criticised because …

June 8, 2011
Gabrielle Union supports Rihanna`s new music video for single Man Down - The 38-year-old actress, star of movies such as Bad Boys II and Bring it On, was raped herself when …
Gabrielle Union supports Rihanna`s new music video for single Man Down

The 38-year-old actress, star of movies such as Bad Boys II and Bring it On, was raped herself when she was younger and dismissed the critics' …

June 8, 2011