30 Seconds To Mars - This Is War
A warning to the people, the good and the evil
This is war
To the soldier, the civilian, the martyr, the victim
This is war
It's the moment of truth and the moment to lie
The moment to live and the moment to die
The moment to fight, the moment to fight
To fight, to fight, to fight
To the right, to the left
We will fight to the death
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world from the last to the first
To the right, to the left
We will fight to the death
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world, it's a brave new world
A warning to the prophet, the liar, the honest
This is war
Oh, to the leader, the pariah, the victim, the messiah
This is war
It's the moment of truth and the moment to lie
The moment to live and the moment to die
The moment to fight, the moment to fight
To fight, to fight, to fight
To the right, to the left
We will fight to the death
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world from the last to the first
To the right, to the left30 Seconds To Mars - This Is War - http://motolyrics.com/30-seconds-to-mars/this-is-war-lyrics-serbian-translation.html
We will fight to the death
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world, it's a brave new world
It's a brave new world
I do believe in the light
Raise your hands up to the sky
The fight is done, the war is won
Lift your hands toward the sun
Toward the sun
(It's the moment of truth and the moment to lie)
(The moment to live and the moment to die)
Toward the sun
(It's the moment of truth and the moment to lie)
(The moment to live and the moment to die)
Toward the sun
(The moment to fight, the moment to fight)
(To fight, to fight, to fight)
The war is won
To the right, to the left
We will fight to the death
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world from the last to the first
To the right, to the left
We will fight to the death
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world, it's a brave new world
It's a brave new world
A brave new world
The war is won
The war is won
A brave new world
30 Seconds To Mars - Ovo je rat (Serbian translation)
Upozorenje ljudima, dobrim i zlim
Ovo je rat
Vojniku, civilu, mučeniku i žrtvi
Ovo je rat
Ovo je trenutak istine i trenutak za lažii
Ovo je trenutak za život i trenutak za smrt
Trenutak za borbu, trenutak za borbu, borbu, borbu, borbu!
Na desno, na levo, borićemo se do smrti
Do kraja Zemlje, Ovo je hrabri novi svet od poslednjeg do prvog
Na desno, na levo, borićemo se do smrti
Do kraja Zemlje, predaj se svete ovo je hrabri novi svet
Upozorenje proroku, lažljivcu, iskrenom
Ovo je rat
Vođi, izgnaniku, žrtvi, mesiji
Ovo je rat
Ovo je trenutak istine i trenutak za lagati
Ovo je trenutak za život i trenutak za smrt
Trenutak za borbu, trenutak za borbu, borbu, borbu, borbu!
Na desno, na levo, borićemo se do smrti30 Seconds To Mars - This Is War - http://motolyrics.com/30-seconds-to-mars/this-is-war-lyrics-serbian-translation.html
Do kraja Zemlje, Ovo je hrabri novi svet od poslednjeg do prvog
Na desno, na levo, borićemo se do smrti
Do kraja Zemlje, predaj se svete ovo je hrabri novi svet
Ja verujem u svetlost, podigni ruke do neba
Borba je gotova, rat je dobijen, podigni ruke prema suncu
Prema suncu, prema suncu, prema suncu, rat je osvojen
Borba, borba, borba, borba, borba
Na desno, na levo, borićemo se do smrti
Do kraja Zemlje, Ovo je hrabri novi svet od poslednjeg do prvog
Na desno, na levo, borićemo se do smrti
Do kraja Zemlje, predaj se svete ovo je hrabri novi svet
Rat je dobjen, Rat je dobijen, hrabri novi svet
Ja ne verujem ni u šta, ni u kraj ni u početak
Ja ne verujem ni u šta, ni u Zemlju ni u zvezde
Ja ne verujem ni u šta, ni u dan ni u noć
Ja ne verujem ni u šta osim u kucanje naših srca
Ja ne verujem ni u šta, 100 sunca dok se raspadnemo
Ja ne verujem ni u šta, ni u satanu ni u Boga
Ja ne verujem ni u šta, ni u mir ni u rat
Ja ne verujem ni u šta, osim u istinu o tome ko smo