Alicia Keys
Alicia Keys

Doesn't Mean Anything Lyrics Albanian translation


Alicia Keys - Doesn't Mean Anything

Used to dream of being a millionaire, without a care
But if I'm seeing my dreams and you aren't there
'Cause it's over, that just won't be fair

Darling, rather be a poor woman living on the street, no food to eat
'Cause I don't want no pie if I have to cry
'Cause it's over when you said goodbye

All at once
I had it all
But it doesn't mean anything
Now that you're gone

From above
Seems I had it all
But it doesn't mean anything
Since you're gone

Now I see myself through different eyes, it's no surprise
Being alone will make you realize
When it's over, all in love is fair

I shoulda been there
I shoulda been there
I shoulda, shoulda

All at once
I had it all
But it doesn't mean anything
Now that you're gone

From aboveAlicia Keys - Doesn't Mean Anything -
Seems I had it all
But it doesn't mean anything
Since you're gone

I know I pushed you away, what can I do that would
Save our love
Take these material things, they don't mean nothing
It's you that I want

All at once
I had it all
But it doesn't mean anything
Now that you're gone

From above
Seems I had it all
But it doesn't mean anything
Since you're gone

I shoulda been there
I shoulda been there
I shoulda, shoulda

All at once
I had it all
But it doesn't mean anything
Now that you're gone

From above
Seems I had it all
But it doesn't mean anything
Since you're gone

Albanian translation

Alicia Keys - Nuk do te thot asgje (Ska me vlere) (Albanian translation)

Enderojsha qe isha nje milionere,pa asnje kujdes
por nese i shikoj enderat e mia,dhe ti nuk je ne te
Sepse mori fund,kjo nuk eshte e drejte,shpirt
Me mire te jem nje grua e varfer dhe te jetoj ne rruge
Pa ushqim per te ngrene
Sepse nuk dua askend
Nese duhet te qaje
Sepse gjithcka merr fund kur thua lamtumire

Pernjehere,i kisha te gjitha
Por asgje ska me vlere,tani qe nuk te kam
Prej se largu,e kisha pershtypjen qe i kisha te gjitha
Por asgje ska me vlere,tani qe ty nuk te kam

Tani e shoh veten nga pikpamjet e ndryshme
Sesht qudi
Te jesh vetem te bene te realizojsh
Kur gjithcka mbaron,te gjitha gjerat ne dashuri jan te drejta
Duhet te isha aty,duheshte te isha atyAlicia Keys - Doesn't Mean Anything -

Pernjehere,i kisha te gjitha
Por asgje ska me vlere,tani qe nuk te kam
Prej se largu,e kisha pershtypjen qe i kisha te gjitha
Por asgje ska me vlere,tani qe ty nuk te kam

E di qe te kam larguar
Cka mund te beje qe ta shpetojm dashurine tone
Merri keta gjerat materiale
Qe skane vlere
Sepse vetem ty te dua

Pernjehere,i kisha te gjitha
Por asgje ska me vlere,tani qe nuk te kam
Prej se largu,e kisha pershtypjen qe i kisha te gjitha
Por asgje ska me vlere,tani qe ty nuk te kam
(duhet te isha aty,duheshte te isha aty)

Pernjehere,i kisha te gjitha
Por asgje ska me vlere,tani qe nuk te kam
Prej se largu,e kisha pershtypjen qe i kisha te gjitha
Por asgje ska me vlere,tani qe ty nuk te kam

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