Ana Stefok - Majko, nemoj plakati
Često vidim tvoje oči
pune suza radi nas,
ja sam mnoge tužne noći
tvoj u tami čula glas. Ref:
Majko, nemoj plakati
kada sutra budeš sama,
opet dugi rastanak
stoji sad pred nama.Ana Stefok - Majko, nemoj plakati -
Majko, nemoj plakati
jer to tako teško boli,
jednog dana doći ću
natrag u naš dom. Svu ljepotu ovog svijeta
ja bih tebi dala sad,
no u jesen tvog života
malo dana bit će tad. Ref. Submitter's comments: Remake Live 1989
Ana Stefok - Mother, Don't Cry (English translation)
I see your eyes often
full of tears because of us,
I'm very sad at nights,
I heard your voice in the dark.
Mother, don't cry
when you are to be alone tomorrow,
after another separation
stand in front of us now.Ana Stefok - Majko, nemoj plakati -
Mother, don't cry
'cause it really hurts to see you cry,
one day I'll come back
to our home.
I would give you
all of the beauty in this world,
but in autumn of your life
little daytime will be left then.