Ann Peebles - I Can't Stand The Rain
I can't stand the rain
Against my window
Bringing back sweet memories
Hey, window pane
Do you remember
How sweet it used to be
When we was together
Everything was so grand
Now that we've parted
There's just one sound
That I just can't stand
I can't stand the rain
Against my window
Bringing back sweet memories
I can't stand the rain
Against my windowAnn Peebles - I Can't Stand The Rain -
'Cause he's not here with me
Alone with the pillow
Where his head used to lay
I know you've got
Some sweet memories
But like the window
You ain't got nothing to say
I can't stand the rain
Against my window
Bringing back sweet memories
I can't stand the rain
Against my window
Just keeps on haunting me
Hey, rain
Get off my window...
Ann Peebles - Urasc ploaia (Romanian translation)
Urasc cind ploaia imi bate la geam
Si imi trezeste amintiri dulci
Urasc cind ploaia imi bate la geam
Pentru ca el nu este langa mine
Hei, pervazule, iti mai aduci aminte
Cit de dulce era inainte
Cind eram impreuna
Totul era atit de magestic, da, era
Dar acum ca ne-am despartit
A mai ramas un sunet ce pur si simplu il urasc...
Urasc cind ploaia imi bate la geam
Si imi trezeste amintiri dulci
Urasc cind ploaia imi bate la geamAnn Peebles - I Can't Stand The Rain -
Pentru ca el nu este langa mine
Singura cu perna
Pe care el se odihnea, da
Stiu ca ai niste dulci amintiri
Dar, ca si fereastra, nu ai nimic de spus
Urasc cind ploaia imi bate la geam
Si imi trezeste amintiri dulci
Urasc ploaia
Batindu-mi la geam
Ea continua sa ma bintuie
Hei, ploaie, nu imi mai bate la geam
Caci el nu mai este aici, cu mine