Bad Religion - American Jesus
I don't need to be a global citizen
'Cause I'm blessed by nationality
I'm a member of a growing populace
We enforce our popularity
There are things that seem to pull us under and
There are things that drag us down
But there's a power and a vital presence
That's lurking all around
We've got the American Jesus
See him on the interstate
We've got the American Jesus
He helped build the president's estate
I feel sorry for the earth's population
'Cause so few live in the U.S.A.
At least the foreigners can copy our morality
They can visit but they cannot stay
Only precious few can garner the prosperity
It makes us walk with renewed confidence
We've got a place to go when we die
And the architect resides right here
We've got the American Jesus
Bolstering national faith
We've got the American Jesus
Overwhelming millions every day
He's the farmers barren fields
(In God)
The force the army wields
(We trust)
The expression on the faces of the starving millions
(Because he's one of us)
Bad Religion - American Jesus -
The power of the damned
(Break down)
The fuel that drives the Klan
(Cave in)
He's the motive and the conscience of the murderer
(He can redeem your sin)
He's the preacher on TV
(Strong heart)
The false sincerity
(Clear mind)
The form letter that's written by the big computers
(And infinitely kind)
The nuclear bombs
(You lose)
The kids with no moms
(We win)
And I'm fearful that he's inside me
(He is our champion)
Yeah, we've got the American Jesus
See him on the interstate
(We've got the American Jesus)
We've got the American Jesus
Exercising his authority
We've got the American Jesus
Bolstering National faith
(We've got the American Jesus)
We've got the American Jesus
Overwhelming millions every day
One nation under God
One nation under God
One nation under God
Bad Religion - Američki Isus (Serbian translation)
Ne moram biti globalni stanovnik,
Jer sam blagoslovljen nacionalnošću.
Član sam stanovništva u porastu,
Mi ojačavamo svoju popularnost.
Postoje stvari koje nas, izgleda, povlače na dno
I stvari koje nas vuku po dnu,
Ali postoji i moć i vitalno prisustvo
Koje vreba sa svih strana.
Imamo američkog Isusa,
Vidite ga u međuzoni.
Imamo američkog Isusa,
On je pomogao u izgradnji predsedničkog imanja.
Sažaljevam zemaljsku populaciju,
Jer ih tako malo živi u SAD - u.
Stranci barem mogu kopirati našu moralnost.
Mogu nas posetiti, ali ne mogu ostati.
Samo nekolicina srećnika može da uživa naš prosperitet,
Stoga mi hodamo obnovljenog samopouzdanja.
Imamo gde da odemo kada umremo,
A arhitekta obitava baš ovde.
Imamo američkog Isusa
Koji jača nacionalnu veru.Bad Religion - American Jesus -
Imamo američkog Isusa
Koji oduševljava milione svakodnevno.
On je farmerovo jalovo polje, snaga vojničkog držanja,
Izraz na licima miliona koji umiru od gladi,
Moć čoveka, gorivo koje pokreće klan.
On je motiv i savest ubice.
On je sveštenik na TV - u, lažna iskrenost,
Obrazac ispisan velikim kompjuterima,
Nuklearne bombe, deca bez majki.
I plašim se da je on u meni.
Imamo američkog Isusa
Vidite ga u međuzoni.
Imamo američkog Isusa
Koji vežba svoj autoritet.
Imamo američkog Isusa
Koji jača nacionalnu veru.
Imamo američkog Isusa
Koji oduševljava milione svakodnevno.
Jedna nacija pod Bogom
Jedna nacija pod Bogom
Jedna nacija pod Bogom
Jedna nacija pod Bogom