Baptiste Giabiconi
Baptiste Giabiconi

One Night In Pradise Lyrics Catalan translation


Baptiste Giabiconi - One Night In Pradise

I've seen her face before
I've seen those eyes from long ago
They're reaching inside my soul
I wish she could see my heart beating for her What if I were to let you know,
Would it be too much ?
But I can't wait to find if I'm invisible
(I'm)Asking for just ... CHORUS:
One night in paradise
hoping that something' begun
Is it a million to one
For one night i pay the price
I would give anything, till then I'il wait ...
... FOR YOUR LOVE ... A whisperin in the air
wind rushing my hands right through your hair
there under a lonely star
I know you can feel my heart beating for you What if I were to let you know,
Would it be too dangerous ?
But I can't wait to find if I'm invisible
Asking for just ... CHORUS:
One night in paradiseBaptiste Giabiconi - One Night In Pradise -
hoping that something' begun
Is it a million to one
For one night i pay the price
I would give anything, till then I'il wait ...
... FOR YOUR LOVE ... Wait , wait for your love
(I'il) Wait , wait for your love
Wait , wait for your love
(I'il) Wait , wait for your love
For one night i pay the price
I would give anything, till then I'il wait CHORUS:
One night in paradise
hoping that something' begun
Is it a million to one
For one night i pay the price
I would give anything, till then I'il wait ...
...FOR YOUR LOVE ... Wait , wait for your love
(I'il) Wait , wait for your love
Wait , wait for your love
(I'il) Wait , wait for your love

Catalan translation

Baptiste Giabiconi - Una nit al paradís (Catalan translation)

He vist la seva cara abans
He vist els seus ulls, fa temps
S'allarguen dins la meva ànima
Sento que no pugui veure que el meu cor batega per ella

I si hagués de dir-t'ho,
seria massa tard per fer-ho?
Però no puc esperar per saber si sóc invisible
Demano només...

Una nit al paradís
Esperan que alguna cosa hagi començat
És un d'un milió?
Per una nit pagaria el preu
Donaria el que sigui, per esperar...

Un malsol en l'aire
El vent precipita les meves mans que van directament cap als meus cabells
Sota un estel solitari
Sé que pots sentir el meu cor bategant per tu

I si hagués de dir-t'ho,
seria massa tard per fer-ho?
Però no puc esperar per saber si sóc invisible
Demano només...

TORNADA:Baptiste Giabiconi - One Night In Pradise -
Una nit al paradís
Esperan que alguna cosa hagi començat
És un d'un milió?
Per una nit pagaria el preu
Donaria el que sigui, per esperar...

Espero, espero el teu amor
Espero, espero el teu amor
Espero, espero el teu amor
Per una nit pagaria el preu
Donaria el que sigui, per esperar...

Una nit al paradís
Esperan que alguna cosa hagi començat
És un d'un milió?
Per una nit pagaria el preu
Donaria el que sigui, per esperar...

Espero, espero el teu amor
Espero, espero el teu amor
Espero, espero el teu amor
Espero, espero el teu amor

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