
Mother Earth,Father Thunder Lyrics Serbian translation


Bathory - Mother Earth,Father Thunder

By lightning conceived was I
The stars above became my eyes
Hvergelmir flows in my veins
My hair the mist across the never ending nameless lake By womb of soil, the moist of dew
Born when sun was high, the day was new
And the raven soared high up in clear sky
The land will speak to you, when your heart is pure
And you were made by Mother Earth, Father Thunder This heart winged, I am eagles sonBathory - Mother Earth,Father Thunder -
Through storm and spite, untouched, it is pounding on
This sword, forged in fire and ice
The runes that trail its blade can
be seen but by my two eyes As if written in the snow, the lies, shall melt away
By the wheel of sun to cross the sky this day
Shadows may lay heavy upon the earth
But the truth, cut deep in stone, will last
Till the heavens comes tumbling down upon this world Mother Earth, Father Thunder

Serbian translation

Bathory - Majka zemlja,Otac Grom (Serbian translation)

Od munje bio sam sastavljen ja,
zvezde su postale moje oči
Hvergelmir teče u mojim venama,
Moja kosa, magla preko beskrajnog bezimenog jezera.

Od utrobe zemlje, vlažan od rose,
rođen kada je sunce bilo visoko,dan bio novi,
i gavrani se vinuli visoko u vedro nebo.
Zemlja će razgovarati sa tobom, kada ti srce bude čisto
i kad budeš napravljen od

Majke zemlje, Oca groma.

Ovo srce krilato, ja sam orlov sin.Bathory - Mother Earth,Father Thunder -
Kroz buru i prkos, nedirnuto,ono udara na
ovaj mač, kovan u vatri i ledu,
Čarolije čiji se zadnji deo sečiva može
videti od strane mojih dveju očiju.

Kao da je zapisano u snegu,laži se moraju istopiti
od stranje točka sunca koji danas prelazi nebo.
Senke se mogu mučno prostreti po zemlji
ali istina,urezana duboko u kamen, trajaće
dok nebesa ne dođu rušeći se na ovaj svet.

Majka Zemlja,Otac Grom.

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