Beogradski Sindikat - Za Sve Moje Ljude
Ovo ovde nisu strofe za ljigave i lose,
Vec za moje sto se bore, diskretne heroje.
Za obicne likove, iskrene i dobre,
Sto ne namecu se mnogo, ali nece da se sklone.
Jer kada brod tone uvek prvo pale misevi,
A kapetani iskusni, na druge ce misliti.
Zivot zna da bude titanik, usamljenik, izgnanik,
Tad radjaju se Titani, u nevolji istrajni.
Ovo ovde nisu koske za klince da se loze,
Poruke proste da gluposti se mnoze.
Nema jeftine proze, losih tripova sto voze,
Prvo zvuce dobro, a onda zavse k?o problem.
Ovo ovde sve je licno, mi ne prodajemo price.
Kompleks ne velicam, vec stvari sto su bitne.
Ovde ima rima svima klincima za primer,
Za sve usijane glave, da se ohlade i smire.
Za sve, za sve, za sve moje ljude!
Za sve, za sve, za sve moje ljude!
Za sve, za sve, za sve moje ljude!
Sto uporno se trude da sutra bolje bude!
Za sve, za sve, za sve moje ljude!
Za sve, za sve, za sve moje ljude!
Za sve, za sve, za sve moje ljude!
Sto uporno se trude da sutra bolje bude!
Za sve moje ljude mnogo ljute i brze,
Sto kad naidju muke ne mogu da izdrze.
Film im lako pukne, lakse druge mrze,
Pa se muce i cude, sto snovi su pod kljucem.
Klinac lako sludjen, iz tripa ?bolje tudje?,
Misli da je mator, a iz filma ?rodjen juce?.
Pogresno si ucen, jak si samo u gomili,
Lako je zgutati i popiti, slabijeg izlomiti.
Nemas kome da se obratis, pravi primer potrazi,
Jer sutra brzo dolazi, treba covek postati.
Nestali su kodeksi, ostali su kompleksi.
Pobede su porazi, a ishodi su potresni.Beogradski Sindikat - Za Sve Moje Ljude -
Zato, stani malo, razmisli, sta ces time postici.
Ako ne znas sam, ova pesma nek ti objasni.
Ona je za snove, za sve ljude moje,
Sto uporno se trude da sutra bolje bude!
Za sve, za sve, za sve moje ljude!
Za sve, za sve, za sve moje ljude!
Za sve, za sve, za sve moje ljude!
Sto uporno se trude da sutra bolje bude!
Za sve, za sve, za sve moje ljude!
Za sve, za sve, za sve moje ljude!
Za sve, za sve, za sve moje ljude!
Sto uporno se trude da sutra bolje bude! Za sve moje ljude sto posteno se trude,
Hodaju, ne puze da bi postigli uspeh.
Za sve sto se muce, sto rano se bude,
Rada poslove trule da bi placali racune.
I za sve one druge sto razna sranja trpe,
Al? ne prave kompromise da kraj sa krajem skrpe,
Za sve vama lude, sto smatrate za glupe,
Al? im zavidite uvek sto ne polazu racune.
Nas ne mogu da kupe, jer sve radimo srcem,
I na kvarno kad nas buse, mi im pokazemo zube.
Oni lazne price nude za sve moje ljude,
Koji stvorili su svet u koji nece da ih puste.
Koji podnece i zrtve za snove, makar puste,
A mi stojimo uz njih da se glas o njima cuje.
Ne damo da uguse nase male pobune,
Mi rastemo u divove do konacne pobede!
Za sve, za sve, za sve moje ljude!
Za sve, za sve, za sve moje ljude!
Za sve, za sve, za sve moje ljude!
Sto uporno se trude da sutra bolje bude!
Za sve, za sve, za sve moje ljude!
Za sve, za sve, za sve moje ljude!
Za sve, za sve, za sve moje ljude!
Sto uporno se trude da sutra bolje bude!
Beogradski Sindikat - For all my people (English translation)
These verses here are not for those who are slimy and bad,
But for those who fight,discrete heroes.
For ordinary characters, honest and good,
Who doesn't impose a lot,but will not be put aside.
Because rats abandoning a sinking ship,
And experienced captains,will think about the others.
Life can be Titanic,loner,outcast,
Then the Titans are born,who are persistent in trouble.
This words are not for kids to get carried away
Vulgar messages multiplies nonsense.
No cheap prose,no bad trips,
At first they sound good but then ends up like the problem.
It's all personal here,we don't sell stories.
I don't glorify the complex, but the things which are important.
To kids these rhymes are for example ,
For all hotheaded to cool and calm themselves.
For all,for all,for all my people!
For all,for all,for all my people!
For all,for all,for all my people!
Who are persistently fight for better tomorrow!
For all,for all,for all my people!
For all,for all,for all my people!
For all,for all,for all my people!
Who are persistently fight for better tomorrow!
For all my people,very angry and fast
When encounters trouble cannot endure.
They quickly snap,easily hate others,
So they are in agony and they are wondering,why dreams are under the key.
Kid is easily confused,thinks that someone else's is better
He thinks that he's old enough,but he's not,
You learned wrong,you are strong only when you are in the crowd,
It' easy to swallow and spit out someone,to beat up someone who is weaker,
You don't have anyone to talk to,look for right example,
Because tomorrow is coming fast,you must become a man.
The codes are gone,but complexes remained.
Victories are defeats,and the results are shocking.Beogradski Sindikat - Za Sve Moje Ljude -
So,hold on,think,what will you achieve with this.
If you don't know,let this song explain it to you.
It is for the dreams,for all my people,
Who are persistently fight for better tomorrow!
For all,for all,for all my people!
For all,for all,for all my people!
For all,for all,for all my people!
Who are persistently fight for better tomorrow!
For all,for all,for all my people!
For all,for all,for all my people!
For all,for all,for all my people!
Who are persistently fight for better tomorrow!
For all my people who honestly try,
Walking and not crawling to achieve success.
For all who are struggling,get up early,
Work rotten jobs so they could pay the bills.
And for all the others who put up all kinds of crap,
But do not compromise to meet ends,
For all that you think are crazy,that you think are stupid,
But you envy them because they don't owe anything.
We can't be bought,because we do everything with heart,
And when they mistreat us,we show our teeth.
They offer a false stories to all my people,
Who created the world in which won't let them in.
Who submit sacrifices for dreams,even if they are pipedreams.
And we stand with them for them to be heard,
We will not give them to crush our small rebellions,
We grow into giants to the final victory.
For all,for all,for all my people!
For all,for all,for all my people!
For all,for all,for all my people!
Who are persistently fight for better tomorrow!
For all,for all,for all my people!
For all,for all,for all my people!
For all,for all,for all my people!
Who are persistently fight for better tomorrow!