Bryan Adams - You Can't Take Me
You can't take me
Got to fight another fight
I gotta run another night
Get it out
check it out
I'm on my way and I don't feel right
I gotta get me back
I can't be beat and that's a fact
It's OK
I'll find a way
You ain't gonna take me down no way
Don't judge a thing until you know what's inside it
Don't push me
I'll fight it
Never gonna give in
never gonna give it up, no
If you can't catch a wave then you're never gonna ride it
You can't come uninvited
Never gonna give in
never gonna give it up, no
You can't take meBryan Adams - You Can't Take Me -
I'm free
Why did it all go wrong?
I wanna know what's going on
And what's this holding me?
I'm not where I'm supposed to be
I gotta fight another fight
I gotta fight with all my might
I'm getting out, so check it out
you're in my way
Yeah, you better watch out
Oh, come on!
Don't judge a thing until you know what's inside it
Don't push me
I'll fight it
Never gonna give in
never gonna give it up, no
If you can't catch a wave then you're never gonna ride it
You can't come uninvited
Never gonna give in
never gonna give it up, no
You can't take me
I'm free
Bryan Adams - Ne mozete me odvesti (Serbian translation)
Moram da bijem jos jednu bitku-moram trcati jos jednu noc
izaci napolje-proveriti
Ja sam na mom putu i ne osecam se ispravno
moram se vratiti-ne mogu biti pobedjen i to je cinjenica
to je ok-nacicu nacin
neces me oboriti,nema sanse
nemoj suditi ni o cemu,dok ne saznas sta je unutra
nemoj me izazivati-boricu se
nikada se necu predati-nikada necu odustati,ne
ako ne mozes uhvatiti talas,onda nikad neces surfovati (jahati,voziti se)Bryan Adams - You Can't Take Me -
ne mozes doci nepozvan
nikada se necu predati-nikada necu odustati,ne
ne mozes me odvesti,ja sam slobodan
Zasto je sve poslo naopako?-Zelim da znam sta se desava..
I sta je to sto me drzi.?
Nisam tamo gde bi trebalo
Imam da bijem jos jednu bitku
Moram se boriti svom svojom snagom
Izlazim,zato proveri
Jea,ti si na mom putu
Zato bolje se pazi..