Cacadou look - Baum bam bam
Nekad, kao san
Dolazi mi tvoje lice
Volim i radim sve ono
Sto nikad probao nisi Cuvaju te hladni ljudi
Ne znam da li ti se svidjamCacadou look - Baum bam bam -
A izdaje nas uvjek isti
Uzbudljiv i cudan dan Ti, kao i svi
Ucinit neces nista
Zato uspavanku saljem ti pred svima
Da se mozda sretnemo u snovima... Baum bam bam...
Cacadou look - Baum Bam Bam (English translation)
Sometimes, like a dream
Your face comes to me
I love and I do
Everything you've never tried
You're protected by cold people
I don't know if you like meCacadou look - Baum bam bam -
And it is always the same exciting and odd dream
That gives it all away
You, like everyone else
Won't do anything
This is why I am sending you a lullaby in front of everyone
So we can perhaps meet in our dreams...
Baum bam bam...