Cansever - Yara Benim
Yara benim, yara benim
Bitmeyen su yara benim
El giyinir beyazlar?
Yas icinde kara benim
El giyinir beyazlar?
Yas icinde kara benim Bitmez oldu, bitmez oldu
Yar cileler bitmez olduCansever - Yara Benim -
Sen gittigin gunden beri
Yar bu yuzum gulmez oldu Daglar benim, aay daglar benim
Dolar gozum, aglar benim
El gununu gun ederken/ when strange enjoy his
Iki gozum aglar benim
Aay el gununu gun ederken/ ohh when strange enjoy his
Iki gozum aglar benim
Cansever - Yara Benim (English translation)
the wound is mine , the wound is mine
the wound that doesnt end is mine
strange wear the white (clothes)
its me dark in tears
strange wear the white (clothes)
its me dark in tears
it became endless, it became endless
dear the sorrows became endlessCansever - Yara Benim -
since the day you went
dear this face of me didnt smile
the mountains is mine, oh the mountains is mine
my eyes become filled, its me who cries
her day
my two eyes cries
her day
my two eyes cries