Chambao - Mi Primo Juan
Esta es la historia de mi primo Juan
que fue al hospital por que se encuentraba mal
los doctores que lo vieron to los dias
why ninguno le decia que tenia a dieta lo pusieron
de reposo en la cama
frutita to los dias
why tres botellitas de agua na de pan ,na de sal
na de carne, ni pescado naa de na
na de pan ,na de sal
na de carne, ni pescado naa de na why el doctor le dijo que pa el dolor
siembre en tu casa maria
siembre en tu casa maria tu joeChambao - Mi Primo Juan -
why cuidao con los espias sembro con amo. Juan la maria.
why lo cojio why se lo quito to la policia
why como el seguia queriendo huma
salio a la calle pa comprar na de pan, na de sal
na de carne ni pescado naa de na
na de pan, na de sal
na de carne ni pescado naa de na mi primo fue a por yerba que bien huele
yerba que bien huele que tiene el estomago malo why le duele
mi primo fue a por yerba pa huma
por que la quimioterapia lo esta dejando fatal ya no, ya no se rie igual mi primo
ya no, ya no se rie mi primo igual...
Chambao - My Cousin Juan (English translation)
This is the story of my cousin Juan
who went to hospital because he was feeling bad
the doctors looked at him every day
and no one told him what he had
they put him on a diet
of bed rest
a little fruit each day
and 3 small bottles of water
no bread, no salt
no meat, no fish, nothing at all
no bread, no salt
no meat, no fish, nothing at all
And the doctor told him that for the pain
planted in your house maría
planted in your house maríaChambao - Mi Primo Juan -
and watch out for spies.
planted with love, good María
and it grabbed hold of him and he gave himself up to the police
and so it followed, wanting to smoke,
he went out into the street to buy (some)
no bread, no salt
no meat, no fish, nothing at all
no bread, no salt
no meat, no fish, nothing at all
my cousin want for grass that smelt good
grass that smelt good that he had a bad stomach and it hurt him
my cousin went for grass to smoke
because the chemotherapy is leaving him fatal
not yet, not yet laughs the same my cousin
not yet, not yet laughs my cousin the same.....