Christophe Mae - Ca Fait Mal
(Bruno Dandrimont/Christophe Mae)
Qu'elle etait belle a t'ecouter,
Sur ta voix son corps dansait
Dans ces dentelles virevoltait
L'effet d'un corps de balet.
Papa tu as pris la route sans dire adieu
Papa tu as laisse son corps, je t'en veux.
Ca fait mal de vivre sans toi
Elle a mal et tu ne t'imagines meme pas
Comme ca fait mal de rire sans toi
Elle a mal et tu ne reviendras pas.
Qu'elle etait belle a tes cotes
Dans son regard je voyaisChristophe Mae - Ca Fait Mal -
Tu faisais d'elle un conte de fees
Sur toi elle se reposait.
Papa tu as pris la route sans dire adieu
Papa tu as laisse son corps, je t'en veux.
Ca fait mal de vivre sans toi
Elle a mal et tu ne t'imagines meme pas
Comme ca fait mal de rire sans toi.
Son sourire appelle au secours
Il est sans amour.
Ca fait mal de vivre sans toi
Elle a mal et tu ne t'imagines meme pas
Comme ca fait mal de rire sans toi
Elle a mal et tu ne reviendras pas.
Christophe Mae - It Hurts (English translation)
it was beautiful by your side
in the sound of your voice bodies dancing
between her laces swirling around
the effect of (corps ) de ballet
Dad, why you took the road to say good bye
Dad, why you left your body, I don't love you
It hurts to live without you
it's a pain and you don't imagine
so it hurts to laugh without you
It hurts and you won't come back
It was beautiful by your side
I saw in your eyes
that you did of life a fairy tale
leaning on you she rested
Papa, why you took the road to say goodbye
Dad, why you left your heartChristophe Mae - Ca Fait Mal -
I don't love you
It hurts to live without you
It's a pain and you don't even imagine
so it hurts to laugh without you
It hurts and you won't come back
Oh, no Daddy, you won't come back
It hurts to live without you
It hurts and you don't even imagine
so it hurts to laugh without you
It hurts and you won't come back
your smile shout for help! ,without love
It pains me to live without you
It hurts you can't imagine
how It hurts and you won't come back
you, you're not come back, and you're not come back
O father you're not comeback anymore
and you won't come back, Dad