Corina Chiriac
Corina Chiriac

Iti multumesc Lyrics English translation


Corina Chiriac - Iti multumesc

Stii pre bine stii
Ca eu zi de zi
Ma gandesc la tine
Si imi e de-ajuns
Nu iti cer nimic
Nu-ti trimit in plic
Vreo scrisoare, pentru care
N-ai nici un raspuns
Nu-ncerc sa-ti vorbesc
Nu te urmaresc
Sper ca niciodataCorina Chiriac - Iti multumesc -
Nu te deranjez
Daca uneori, pan' la primii zori
Indraznesc sa te visez Iti multumesc, ca mi-ai permis
Sa ma gandesc la tine, sa te port in vis
Iti multumesc noapte si zi
Ca am la cine ma gandi
Iti multumesc, c-ai acceptat
Cand strang in brate perna,
Sa fii implicat
Iti multumesc, findca existi
Si ochii mei nu mai sunt tristi la la la

English translation

Corina Chiriac - Thank you (English translation)

You know it so well, you know it
Each and every day
I'm thinking only at you
And that's enough for me
I'm not asking anything
I'll not send in an envelope
Some letter for which
You have no answer
I'm not trying to speak with you
I'm not following you
And I hope I'm neverCorina Chiriac - Iti multumesc -
Disturbing/bothering you
If sometimes, until the early first dawn
I dare to dream about you

Thank you for allowing me
To think at you, to take you in my dreams
I'm thanking you day and night
Because I have at whom to think
Thank you because you accepted
At night whenever I close my pillow in my arms,
To feel you there
Thank you for existing
That brings happiness to my eyes

la la la

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