Darkroom Familia
Darkroom Familia

Humberto Y Elvira Lyrics English translation


Darkroom Familia - Humberto Y Elvira

Una camioneta negra
procedente de Salinas
la maneja Humberto Torres
y su acompañante Elvira
además tengan cuidado
porque es mujer decidida El gobierno los vigila
saben que cargan movida
siempre llevan yerba mala
y también traen de la fina
siempre cargan metralleta
y pa' usarla no vacilan La mujer sé que es tejana
y el señor es colombiano
y la troca americana
donde traen contrabando
pero no le hagan confianza
que el terror vienen sembrando La clave ya estaba dadaDarkroom Familia - Humberto Y Elvira - http://motolyrics.com/darkroom-familia/humberto-y-elvira-lyrics-english-translation.html
donde entregarían la carga
tenían que ir a San Francisco
y pasarse hasta Chicago
y en ese mismo lugar
el polvo sería pagado Al llegar hasta la aduana
les dieron recibimiento
se agarraron a balazos
y quedaron varios muertos
y los de la camioneta
salvaron el cargamento La mujer sé que es tejana
y el señor es colombiano
y la troca americana
donde traen contrabando
pero no le hagan confianza
que el terror vienen sembrando Submitter's comments:  Transcribed by

English translation

Darkroom Familia - Humberto And Elvira (English translation)

A black van
coming from Salinas
Humberto Torres drives it
and his companion Elvira
also, be careful
because the woman is strong willed

The government watches them
they know they 're up to something suspicious
they always have bad herbs
and also bring from the good ones
they always have a machine gun
and they don't hesitate to use it

The lady I know is Texan
and the gentleman is Colombian
and the truck American
where they bring contraband
but don't trust them
as the terror they come to sow

The code was already givenDarkroom Familia - Humberto Y Elvira - http://motolyrics.com/darkroom-familia/humberto-y-elvira-lyrics-english-translation.html
where they were to submit the load to
they had to go to San Francisco
and pass till Chicago
and at that very place
the 'powder' would be paid

On arrival at the customs
they received them
they began to gun fire
and several people died
and those from the van
saved the load

The lady I know is Texan
and the gentleman is Colombian
and the truck American
where they bring contraband
but don't trust them
as the terror they come to sow

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