Deniz Seki - Adaletsiz Secim
Dunyada inanmazd?m bitecegine
Beni boyle b?rak?p gidecegine
Sark?lar?n gunah? yok
Ac?tan sensin icini
Hangimiz istedi soyle bu adaletsiz secimi Hayalin k?r?l?ncaDeniz Seki - Adaletsiz Secim -
Imkans?z? umunca
Korkular gercek olunca
Goz yas?m ahh kurumuyor Bu yurek ilk defa bugun k?r?lm?yor
Ben unuttum desem de yerin hala dolmuyor
Deniz Seki - iniquitous choise (English translation)
i wouldn't believe on the Earth that it would end
that you would leave me like this
the songs are not to blame
you are the one who hurts me inside
which of us wanted such an iniquitous choise
when your image is brokenDeniz Seki - Adaletsiz Secim -
when i wish of the imposible
when the fears come true
my tear does not dry
this heart is not broken today for the first time
even if i say i have forgotten your place is still empty