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Destinys Child

Girl Lyrics Serbian translation


Destinys Child - Girl

Take A Minute Girl Come Sit Down
And Tell Us What's Been Happening
In Your Face I Can See The Pain
Don't You Try To Convince Us That You're Happy (Yeah)
We've Seen This All Before
But He's Taking Advantage Of Your Passion
Because We've Come Too Far
For You To Feel Alone
You Don't Let Him Walk Over Your Heart
I'm Telling You

Girl, I Can Tell You've Been Crying
And You Needing Somebody To Talk To
Girl, I Can Tell He's Been Lying
And Pretending That He's Faithful And He Loves You
Girl, You Don't Have To Be Hiding
Don't You Be Ashamed To Say He Hurt You
I'm Your Girl, You're My Girl, We're Your GirlsDestinys Child - Girl -
Don't You Know That We Love You?

See What You All Don't Know About Him
Is I Can't Let Him Go Because He Needs Me
It Ain't Really Him It's Stress From His Job
And I Ain't Making It Easy
I Know You See Him Bugging On Me Sometimes
But I Know Deep Inside He Don't Mean It
It Gets Hard Sometimes
But I Need My Man
I Don't Think You all Understand
I'm Telling You

[Chorus x2]

Girl, Take A Good Look At Yourself
He Got You Going Through Hell
We Ain't Never Seen You Down Like This
What You Mean You Don't Need Us To Help?
We Known Each Other Too Well


Girl I've been knowin' you since you were ten,
you cannot hide from your friends


Serbian translation

Destinys Child - Devojko (Serbian translation)

Uspori devojko, dođi sedi
I reci nam šta se dešavalo
Na tvom licu mogu da vidim bol
Ne trudi se da nas ubediš da si srećna (Da)
Videle smo sve ovo pre
Ali on iskorišćava tvoju strast
Jer došle smo predaleko
Da bi se ti osećala osamljeno
Ne dozvoli mu da hoda po tvom srcu
Kažem ti

Devojko, mogu da kažem da si plakala
I trebaš nekog za razgovor
Devojko, mogu da kažem da je lagao
I pretvarao da je veran i da te voli
Devojko, ne moraš da se kriješ
Nemoj da budeš posramljena da kažeš da te je povredio
Ja sam tvoja devojka, ti si moja devojka, mi smo tvoje devojkeDestinys Child - Girl -
Zar ne znaš da te volimo?

Vidite, šta vi ne znate o njemu
Je da ne mogu da ga pustim jer mu trebam
Nije to stvarno on, to je stres sa njegovog posla
A ja ne olakšavam
Znam, vidite da me on ponekad muči
Ali znam duboko iznutra da ne misli to
Biva teško ponekad
Ali treba mi moj čovek
Mislim da vi ne razumete
Kažem vam


Devojko, dobro se pogledaj
Provodi te kroz pakao
Nikad te nismo videle potištenu ovako
Šta misliš, ne trbaš nas da pomognemo?
Znamo jedna drugu suviše dobro


Devojko znam te od desete,
ne možeš da se kriješ od svojih prijatelja


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