Enrique Iglesias
Enrique Iglesias

Don't You Forget About Me Lyrics Uzbek translation


Enrique Iglesias - Don't You Forget About Me

They say love is just a game
They say time can heal the pain
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose
And I guess I'm just a fool, I keep holding on to you

I told you once you were the one
You know that I'd die for you
Although it hurts to see you go
Oh, this time you should know, I won't try to stop you

Don't you forget about me, baby
Don't you forget about me now
Some day you'll turn around and ask me
Why did I let you go?

So you try to fake a smile
You don't wanna break my heart
I can see that you're afraid

But baby it's to late, ?coz I'm already dyingEnrique Iglesias - Don't You Forget About Me - http://motolyrics.com/enrique-iglesias/dont-you-forget-about-me-lyrics-uzbek-translation.html

Don't you forget about me, baby
Don't you forget about me now
Some day you'll turn around and ask me
Why did I let you go?

Don't you forget about me, baby
Don't you forget about me now
Some day you'll turn around and ask me
Why did I let you go?
Why did I let you go?

Don't you forget about me, baby
No, don't you forget about me now
Some day you'll turn around and ask me
Why did I let you go?
Why did I let you go?

Wherever I go, I won't forget about you, no, no, no
Wherever you go, don't you forget about me

Uzbek translation

Enrique Iglesias - Meni unutma (Uzbek translation)

Deydilar sevgi oddiy bir öyin,
Deydilar vaqt jarohatni qilar davosin.
Ba'zan g'alaba, ba'zan mag'lubiyat...telbaga öxwayman, seni qöyvorgim kelmas..
Senga Yagona ekanligingni aytgandim,
Sen u4un ölimga ham tayyor edim,
Ketiwingni köriw og'ir bölsada, Bir narsani bilib qöy...seni töxtatmoq4imasman!
Jonim men haqimda unutma, Unutma meni!
Bir kun kelib qayrilib qarab: Nega seni ketkazdim? deb söraysanEnrique Iglesias - Don't You Forget About Me - http://motolyrics.com/enrique-iglesias/dont-you-forget-about-me-lyrics-uzbek-translation.html
Tabassum qiliwga urinasan,
Qalbimni sindiriwni xohlamaysan, Qörquvingni körib turibman,
Lekin endi ke4..allaqa4on ölyapman!
Jonim men haqimda unutma, Unutma meni!
Bir kun kelib qayrilib qarab: Nega seni ketkazdim? deb söraysan
Qaylarga boraman..seni unutgim kelmas
(yöq yöq yöq)
Qayerlarga borarsan..meni unutma!

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