Family Guy Biography
Family Guy is an American animated television sitcom, created by Seth MacFarlane. The show was originally created in 1998, however it was not aired until late 1999. The show has been cancelled twice - first in 2000 and again in 2002, but was brought back after strong DVD sales and the large viewership of the show on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim programming block; the first show to be brought back twice due to DVD sales. The show centers on the dysfunctional Griffin family - Peter, Lois (Peter's wife), Chris (Peter's son), Meg (Peter's daughter), Stewie (Peter's infant son) and Brian (the talking family dog), who live in the fictional town of Quahog, Rhode Island. The show frequently uses "cutaway gags," jokes in the form of tangential vignettes. Family Guy is a frequent showcase for music; both pieces written specifically for the show or known from real life. An album of songs written specifically for the show called Live in Vegas was released in 2005.
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Family Guy News & events
Title | Date | ||
1 | 'Family Guy' Exclusive: Nine Minutes Of 'Star Wars' Parody 'It's A Trap!' Back at San Diego Comic-Con this summer, "Family Guy" creator Seth MacFarlane showed off a first-look at "It's a Trap!," the final installment in … | December 20, 2010 | |
2 | 'Family Guy' Christmas Number One campaign draws over 400,000 fans on Facebook - video Organisers want 'Surfin' Bird' is to beat this year's 'X Factor' finalist … | October 26, 2010 |
Family Guy Albums
Title | Release | ||
1 | Family Guy: Live In Vegas (Soundtrack From The TV Show) | ||
2 | Live in Vegas | ||
3 | Other Songs A - Y | ||
4 | Family Guy: Live In Vegas | ||
5 | The Family Guy 25th Anniversary EP |