Fikret Kızılok - Anadoluyum
Beşikler vermişim Nuh'a
Salıncaklar, hamaklar
Çektiğim çileler
Tanır mısın? Allı turnam haber etmiş
Bizim köyde ölen varmış
Mezarın kendi kazmış
Tanır mısın? Gayrı anam kulun olmuşFikret Kızılok - Anadoluyum -
Dağlarında fidan vermiş
Gah ağlar gah gülermiş
Tanır mısın? Ala şafakta pusuyum
Asi dağlar delisiyim
Ve yürekler dolusuyum
Döner misin?
Fikret Kızılok - I'M ANATOLIA (English translation)
Acutally Anadolu means FULL OF MOTHERS so on second thought this could be a better title
I have given cradles to the Noah
Swings and hammocks
All my sufferings
I am full of mothers
Do you know me?
My red crane (this may also refer to a very slender woman who would have henna marks on her hands)
Some one died in our village
He had dug up his own grave (does not have a bad connotation, actually it means he was a poor and lonely soul, maybe an outcast)
I am full of mothers
Do you know me?
So my mother has become your subject, I heardFikret Kızılok - Anadoluyum -
She has become a sapling on the mountains
She would cry and then laugh, cry and then laugh
I'm full of mothers
Do you know me
I'm an ambush in the red dawn
I'm a rebel in love with the mountains
I have entered so many hearts
I'm full of mothers
Would you get back to me