Florence + The Machine
Florence + The Machine

I'm Not Calling You A Liar Lyrics Bosnian translation


Florence + The Machine - I'm Not Calling You A Liar

"I'm Not Calling You A Liar"

I'm not calling you a liar, just don't lie to me
I'm not calling you a thief, just don't steal from me
I'm not calling you a ghost, just stop haunting me
And I love you so much, I'm gonna let you kill me

There's a ghost in my lungs and it sighs in my sleep
Wraps itself around my tongue as it softly speaks
Then it walks, then it walks with my legs
To fall, to fall, to fall at your feet

There but for the grace of God go I
And when you kiss me, I am happy enough to die
Florence + The Machine - I'm Not Calling You A Liar - http://motolyrics.com/florence-plus-the-machine/im-not-calling-you-a-liar-lyrics-bosnian-translation.html
I'm not calling you a liar, just don't lie to me
And I love you so much, I'm gonna let you
I'm not calling you a thief, just don't
And I love you so much, I'm gonna let you
I'm not calling you a ghost, just stop

There's a ghost in my mouth and it talks in my sleep
Wraps itself around my tongue as it softly speaks
Then it walks, then it walks, then it walks with my legs
To fall, to fall, to fall, to fall, to fall, to fall
To fall, to fall, to fall, to fall
To fall, to fall at your feet

There but for the grace of God go I
And when you kiss me, I am happy enough

Bosnian translation

Florence + The Machine - Ne nazivam te lažljivcem (Bosnian translation)

Ne nazivam te lažljivcem, samo mi nemoj lagati
Ne nazivam te kradljivcem, samo nemoj krasti od mene
Ne nazivam te duhom, samo prestani me proganjati
A volim te toliko, dopustit ću ti da me ubiješ

U mojim plućima živi duh i uzdiše u mom snu
Omotava se oko mog jezika i tiho priča
I onda šeta, šeta mojim nogama
Tjera me da padnem, da padnem pred tobom

Idem sa božjom milosti
I kad me poljubiš, dovoljno sam sretna da umrem

Ne nazivam te lažljivcem, samo mi nemoj lagati
A volim te toliko, da ću ti to dopustitiFlorence + The Machine - I'm Not Calling You A Liar - http://motolyrics.com/florence-plus-the-machine/im-not-calling-you-a-liar-lyrics-bosnian-translation.html
Ne nazivam te kradljivcem, samo nemoj
A volim te toliko, da ću ti to dopustiti
Ne nazivam te duhom, samo prestani

U mojim plućima živi duh i uzdiše u mom snu
Omotava se oko mog jezika i tiho priča
I onda šeta, šeta mojim nogama
Tjera me da padnem, padnem, padnem
Da padnem, pred tobom

Idem sa božjom milosti
I kad me poljubiš, dovoljno sam sretna

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