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George Toparceanu

Octobrie Lyrics English translation


George Toparceanu - Octobrie

Octombrie-a lăsat pe dealuri
Covoare galbene şi roşii.
Trec nouri de argint în valuri
Şi cântă-a dragoste cocoşii. Mă uit mereu la barometru
Şi mă-nfior când scade-un pic,
Căci soarele e tot mai mic
În diametru. *(Better: Because the sun's diameter is every day smaller) Dar pe sub cerul cald ca-n mai
Trec zile albe după zile,
Mai nestatornice şi mai
Subtile… Întârziată fără vremeGeorge Toparceanu - Octobrie -
Se plimbă Toamna prin grădini
Cu faldurii hlamidei plini
De crizanteme. Şi cum abia pluteşte-n mers
Ca o marchiză,
De parcă-ntregul univers
Priveşte-n urmă-i cu surpriză, - Un liliac nedumerit
De-alura ei de domnişoară
S-a-ngălbenit, s-a zăpăcit
Şi de emoţie-a-nflorit
A doua oară…

English translation

George Toparceanu - October (English translation)

October has left on the fields
Yellow and red carpets.
Waves of silver clouds pass by
And roosters sound like love.

I always watch the barometer
And I shudder when is goes down a little bit
Because the sun is each day smaller
In diameter*.

But under the warm sky as in May
White days follow one another
Even more shifting and more

Gone late untimely,George Toparceanu - Octobrie -
Autumn is walking through the gardens
With plaited mantles full
Of (chrysanthe)mums.

And it is hardly floating on its way
Like a marchioness
As if the whole Universe
Is watching after her surprised.

A lily, confused
By her missy appearance,
Turned yellow and went mad
And blossomed with excitement
For the second time...

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