Gilberto Santa Rosa
Gilberto Santa Rosa

Tengo una muñeca Lyrics English translation


Gilberto Santa Rosa - Tengo una muñeca

Tengooo una muñeca que pienza y dispuso que su puerta queda abierta para miiii
Tengo una muñeca que ama no es solo cocina y cama
Es algo más mucho maaaaaaas
Tengooo una muñeca que sueña que siempre pienza y comienza a la hora del errooor
Tengo un pedestal muy aparte y es tan amplio que no cabe mas espacio en este amor Mi confianza en sus manos deje y a moldeado mis ansias mi fe y me pierdo en su fragil reir
Tengo lo que más se le hacerca a la gloria y me voy enredando en sus horas ahora solo quiero vivir
Tengo lo poco que halla en la mesa no me cabe en la cabeza que tenga tanto a la veeeez
Tengo lo que yo quiero y me sobra y si hay otras no me importa por que la mia ya la encontre (coro) Tengo una muñeca que sueña que pienza me da su ternura y me ama tambien
Tengo una muñeca que sueña que pienza me da su ternura se deja querer
(coro) Tengo una muñeca que sueña que pienza me da su ternura y me ama tambien
Que se entrega en cuerpo y alma me da su ternura y me calma la sedGilberto Santa Rosa - Tengo una muñeca -
(coro) Tengo una muñeca que sueña que pienza me da su ternura y me ama tambien endulza la existencia con su azucar y su miel
(coro) Tengo una muñeca que sueña que pienza me da su ternura y me ama tambien
Para mí ella es clase aparte es demasiada mujer (coro) Tengo una muñeca que sueña que pienza me da su ternura y me ama tambien
Que me quiere que me ama no es solo cocina y cama esa mujer
(coro) Tengo una muñeca que sueña que pienza me da su ternura y me ama tambien
Es un premio para mí me conoce me comprende y sabe hacerme feliz
(coro) Tengo una muñeca que sueña que pienza me da su ternura y me ama tambien
Que sueña que pienza se deja querer tengo una muñeca guardo una muñeca
(coro) Tengo una muñeca que sueña que pienza me da su ternura y me ama tambien

English translation

Gilberto Santa Rosa - Tengo una muñeca (English translation)

I have a doll that thinks and made it so her door would remain open for me
I have a doll that loves; she doesn't just [belong in] the kitchen or the bed[room]
She is something much mooooore
I have a doll that dreams and always thinks and begins right before making a mistake
I have a pedestal way on the other side and it's so spacious that no more room fits in this love

I left my trust in her hands and she has molded my longing, my faith and I lose myself in her fragile laughter
I have what is closest to glory and I get entangled in her hours; now I just want to live
What little I have is on the table; I cannot fathom having so much at one time
I have what I want and then some and if there are others I don't care because I found mine

I have a doll that dreams, that thinks, gives me her tenderness and loves me too
I have a doll that dreams, that thinks, gives me her tenderness, lets herself be loved
I have a doll that dreams, that thinks, gives me her tenderness and loves me too
Who surrenders body and soul, gives me her tenderness and quenches my thirstGilberto Santa Rosa - Tengo una muñeca -
I have a doll that dreams, that thinks, gives me her tenderness and loves me too
and...she sweetens my being with her sugar and honey
I have a doll that dreams, that thinks, gives me her tenderness and loves me too
To me she is a class apart; she is too much of a woman

I have a doll that dreams, that thinks, gives me her tenderness and loves me too
That wants me, that loves me; she doesn't just [belong in] the kitchen or the bed[room]
I have a doll that dreams, that thinks, gives me her tenderness and loves me too
She is like a treasure to me; she knows me, she understands and can make me happy
I have a doll that dreams, that thinks, gives me her tendersness and loves me too
That dreams, that thinks, lets herself be loved; I have a doll; I keep a doll
I have a doll that dreams, that thinks, gives me her tenderness and loves me too

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