Gori svetionik na brdu.
Sume su more koje valja se na nebu. A nebo iznad Kandahara vedro je,
i jedna zvezda vidi se.
Ti je gledas miljama daleko i sanjas,
Ti me cekas da dodjem na konju od zlata.
Ja se penjem na barikade u odbrani zla. Moje srce je kao pticje gnezdo,Goblini - U ODBRANI ZLA - http://motolyrics.com/goblini/u-odbrani-zla-lyrics-english-translation.html
u mojoj dusi zmije kidaju lance. Snegovi Hindukusa skrivaju me,
vetrovi s okeana cuvaju me.
Ti ih cujes dok lezis gola i spavas.
Ti me cekas da dodjem - ti mi se nadas.
A ja se penjem na barikade u odbrani zla.
Goblini - IN DEFENSE OF EVIL (English translation)
A lighthouse is shining on the hill
Forests are the see wallowing in the sky
And the sky above Kandahar is clear
And you can see one star
You are looking at it miles away and dreaming
You are waiting for me to come on a horse of gold
I'm climbing up the barricades in defense of evil
My heart is like a bird's nestGoblini - U ODBRANI ZLA - http://motolyrics.com/goblini/u-odbrani-zla-lyrics-english-translation.html
In my soul snakes are tearing the chains
Snows of Hindu Kush are hiding me
Winds from the ocean are guarding me
You are listening to them lying naked and sleeping
You are waiting for me to come, you're hoping for me
And I'm climbing up the barricades in defense of evil