
On Melancholy Hill Lyrics Serbian translation


Gorillaz - On Melancholy Hill

Up on melancholy hill
There's a plastic tree
Are you here with me
Just looking out on the day
Of another dream

Well you can't get what you want
But you can get me
So let's set up and see
'Cause you are my medicine
When you're close to me
When you're close to me

So call in the submarine
'Round the world will goGorillaz - On Melancholy Hill - http://motolyrics.com/gorillaz/on-melancholy-hill-lyrics-serbian-translation.html
Does anybody know
If we're looking out on the day
Of another dream

If you can't get what you want
Then you come with me

Up on melancholy hill
A manatee?
Just looking out on the day
When you're close to me
When you're close to me

When you're close to me

Serbian translation

Gorillaz - Na brdu melanholije (Serbian translation)

Gore na brdu melanholije
Postoji plastično drvo
Da li si ovde sa mnom
Samo gledajući na dan
Drugog sna

Pa ne možeš dobiti ono što želiš
Ali možeš dobiti mene
Stoga da se sastanemo i vidimo
Jer ti si moj lek
Kada si blizu mene
Kada si blizu mene

Dakle pozovi podmornicuGorillaz - On Melancholy Hill - http://motolyrics.com/gorillaz/on-melancholy-hill-lyrics-serbian-translation.html
Oko sveta ići će mo
Da li iko zna
Da li mi gledamo na dan
Drugog sna?

Ako ne možeš dobiti ono što želiš
Onda pođi sa mnom

Gore na brdu melanholije
Morska krava?
Samo gleda na dan
Kada si blizu mene
Kada si blizu mene

Kada si blizu mene

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