Iris - Would You?
Come and find me, I've been hiding from you
Come and get me, running from you
It's been easy, easy for you to believe me
When I say I love you
But what would you do when my house was empty?
My life in a bag and away from you
You took my love for granted, would you really miss me?
Any other guy would do, but would you?
It's a secret and a question for you
Where are they now? What are you gonna do?
If you run here and wait for me now, are we done here?
Or starting somehow?
But what would you do when my house was empty?
My life in a bag and away from youIris - Would You? -
You took my love for granted, would you really miss me?
Any other guy would do, but would you? Would you?
It's a two-way street
And I know that
But don't look back
Still I wonder, still I wonder
But what would you do when my house was empty?
My life in a bag just to be with you
But when I'm at your door will you say you miss me?
Any other guy would do
Yeah, any other guy would do, but would you?
But would you?
Oh would you?
I love you
Iris - Què faries? (Catalan translation)
Vine a trobar-me
M'havia amagat de tu
Vine i empedix-m'ho
De fugir de tu
Ha estat ben fàcil
Fàcil per tu
De creure en mi
Quan et dic t'estime
Però què faries si casa meua estigués buida?
La meua vida dins d'un sac i lluny de tu
Has cregut en el meu amor, em trobaries realment a faltar?
Qualsevol altre noi em serviria, què faries llavors?
És un secret
i una pregunta que
et faig
què faràs?
Si et poses a córrerIris - Would You? -
I a cercar-me
N'hauríem acabat amb açò?
O comença el principi?
Però què faries si casa meua estigués buida?
La meua vida dins d'un sac i lluny de tu
Has cregut en el meu amor, em trobaries realment a faltar?
Qualsevol altre noi em serviria, què faries llavors?
És com una via de doble sentit i ho sé
Però no mires darrere meu
Em pregunte encara, em pregunte encara...
Però què faries si casa meua estigués buida?
La meua vida dins d'un sac i lluny de tu
Has cregut en el meu amor, em trobaries realment a faltar?
Qualsevol altre noi em serviria, què faries llavors?
Què faries?