Keith Whitley - When You Say Nothing At All
It's amazing how you
Can speak right to my heart
Without saying a word
You can light up the dark
Try as I may I could never explain
What I hear when you don't say a thing
The smile on your face
Let's me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes
Saying you'll never leave me
A touch of your hand
Says you'll catch me if ever I fall
Yeah, you say it best
When you say nothing at all
All day long I can hear
People talking out loud
But when you hold me near
You drown out the crowd
Old Mr. Webster could never defineKeith Whitley - When You Say Nothing At All -
What's being said between your heart and mine
The smile on your face
Lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in you eyes
Saying you'll never leave me
A touch of your hand
Says you'll catch me
If ever I fall
Yeah, you say it best
When you say nothing at all
The smile on your face
Lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes
Saying you'll never leave me
A touch of your hand says you'll catch me
If ever I fall
Yeah, you say it best
When you say nothing at all
Keith Whitley - Kad ne izgovoriš ni jednu reč (Serbian translation)
Prosto neverovatno, kako znaš da dotakneš moje srce kada pričaš
Ti možeš da osvetliš mrak, a da ne izgovoriš ni jednu reč,
Pokušavam, ali ne znam, ne mogu nikada da objasnim
Šta čujem kad ne izgovoriš ni jednu reć
Osmeh na tvom licu mi daje doznanja da ti trebam
Postoji istina u tvojim očima koja govori da nikad me nećeš ostavitiKeith Whitley - When You Say Nothing At All -
I dodir tvoje ruke kaže da ćeš me uhvatiti ako ikada padnem
Da, najviše govoriš kada ne izgovoriš ni jednu reč
Po ceo dan slušam kako ljudi glasno govore
Ali kad me zagrliš i kad se pritegneš uz mene, ja potonem iz te gužve
Oh gospodine Vebsten možete li ikada da definišete
Šta se čulo između tvog srca i mog