Kristina Pelakova
Kristina Pelakova

Pri oltári Lyrics English translation


Kristina Pelakova - Pri oltári

Raz keď budeš stáť s inou pri oltári,
možno že sa zmeníš na slzu v mojej tvári,
budeš teda slza čo tajomstvo skrýva,
že sa jedna hviezda na nás dívá. Raz keď budeš s inou sľubovať si vernosť,
spomenieš si možno komu si dal prednosť,
budem tichá slza ktorá na zem padá,
slza jednej ženy čo ťa mala rada. Bola som len druhá ja to viem,
z tvojho sveta odídem,
Bola som len druhá tak sa maj,
a šťastne na mňa zabúdaj. Raz keď budeš stáť s inou pri oltári,
možno že sa zmením na slzu v tvojej tvári,Kristina Pelakova - Pri oltári -
budem teda slza čo tajomstvo skrýva,
že sa jedna hviezda na nás díva. Bola som len druhá ja to viem,
z tvojho sveta odýdem,
Bola som len druhá tak sa maj,
a šťastne na mňa zabúdaj, Bola som len druhá ja to viem,
z tvojho sveta odýdem,
Bola som len druhá tak sa maj,
a šťastne na mňa zabúdaj. Bola som len druhá ja to viem,
z tvojho sveta odýdem,
Bola som len druhá tak sa maj,
a šťastne na mňa zabúdaj, Raz keď budeš stáť s inou pri oltári...

English translation

Kristina Pelakova - By the altar (English translation)

One day when you'll be standing with someone else in front of the altar,
maybe you'll change into a tear on my face,
you will be a tear that is hiding a secret,
that a star is looking at us.

One day when you'll be promising faith to another,
Maybe you'll remember who you put first,
I'll be a quiet tear falling on the ground,
a tear from a woman who used to love you.

I was just some another, I know,
I'll leave this world,
I was just another one so have a good time,
and fondly remember me.

One day when you'll be standing with someone else by the altar,
maybe you'll change into a tear on my face,Kristina Pelakova - Pri oltári -
you will be a tear that is hiding a secret,
that a star is looking at us.

I was just another one, I know,
I'll leave this world,
I was just another one so have a good time,
and fondly remember me.

I was just another one, I know,
I'll leave this world,
I was just another one so have a good time,
and fondly remember me.

I was just another one, I know,
I'll leave this world,
I was just another one so have a good time,
and fondly remember me.

One day when you'll be standing with someone else in front of the altar...

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