Lana Jurcevic - Za Sve
Kao pahulja na tvom dlanu
topim se i nestajem
znam da rijeka suza ne bi pomogla
kao neki stranac ti se okreces i odlazis
ja se pitam sto sam ti ucinila I sto mi donosi dan
sad ne zelim da znam
jer ova noc me povrijedila
u samo jednom satu
ja sam se promjenila Ref.Lana Jurcevic - Za Sve -
Za sve sto smo bili nekad mi
ja nocas pijem casu gorkog vina, moja ljubavi
za sve sto si htio srusiti
ja se samo pitam, da li ces se kajati Tanka linija na mom dlanu
rekla je, ljubav prestaje
ali mislila sam, ne vjerujem to
i sad nadam se da imas razloge sto odlazis
i da medju nama nije gotovo
Lana Jurcevic - For everything (English translation)
Like fluff on your palm
I'm melting and disappearing
I know that river of tears wouldn't help
like same stranger u are turning around and leaving
I keep asking myself what have I done to you
And what day brings to me
now I don't want to know
because this night hurt me
in only one hour
I changed myself
Ref.Lana Jurcevic - Za Sve -
For everything we used to be
tonight I'm drinking the glass of sour wine, my love
for everything u wanted to batter down
I just wonder, will u regret
thin line on my palm
said, love stops
but I though, I don't believe it
and now I hope you have reasons for leaving
and that between us is not over