Led Zeppelin - The Rain Song
It is the springtime of my lovin'
The second season I am to know-oo-oh
Ya' are the sunlight in my growin'
So little warmth, I've felt before-oo-ore
It isn't hard to feel me glowin'
I watched the fire that grew so low-oo-ooo-oh-oh-oh
It is the summer of my smi-iles
Flee from me, Keepers of the Gloo-oo-oom
Speak to me only with your eye-eye-eyes
It is to you I give this tu-une
Ain't so hard to recogni-i-ize, oh-oh-oh
These things are clear to all from time-to-time
Oo-oo-ooo, oo-oo-oo, oo-OO
Uhh, ho-oh-oh
Uhh, ho-oh-oh
Ah!Led Zeppelin - The Rain Song - http://motolyrics.com/led-zeppelin/the-rain-song-lyrics-croatian-translation.html
Talk, talk, talk, talk
I've felt the coldness of my wint-er-er
I never thought, it would ever go-oo-oh
I cursed the gloom that set upon us, 'pon-us, 'pon-us
But I kno-oh, that I love you so-oo-woe
But I know-oh, that I love you so-oo-oh
These are the seasons of emotion-unh
And like the winds, they rise and fa-oo-al
This is the wonder of devo-oh-tion-unh
I seek the torch, we all must ho-oo-old
This is the mystery of the quotient-quo-oh-tie-unt
Unh, upon us all, upon us all, a little rai-ain must fa-all
It's just a little rain-oh-unh-unh-unh
Woo-oo, yeah-i-yeah-i, yeah-eh-ah!
Led Zeppelin - Kišna Pjesma (Croatian translation)
Proljeće je mog voljenja
Drugo doba da znam
Sunčevo si svjetlo u mom cvatu
Tako malo topline, osjećao sam prije
Nije mi teško zažariti
Gledao sam vatru koja je slabo tinjala
Ljeto je mojih osmijeha
Bježite od mene, Čuvari Tame
Pričaj mi samo svojim očima
Ti si ta kojoj dajem ovu pjesmu
Nije tako teško prepoznatiLed Zeppelin - The Rain Song - http://motolyrics.com/led-zeppelin/the-rain-song-lyrics-croatian-translation.html
Vremenom su ove stvari jasne svima
Govori, govori, govori
Osjećao sam hladnoću moje zime
Nisam mislio da će ikad prestati
Prokleo sam tamu šta se nadvila nad nama
Ali znam da te tako volim
Ovo su dobe emocija
i kao vjetar, one rastu i padaju
Ovo je čudo odanosti
Tražim baklju, koju svi moramo nositi
Ovo je tajanstvenost kvocijenta
Na sve nas, na sve nas
Malo kiše mora pasti