
Thunder In The Silence Lyrics Serbian translation


Majesty - Thunder In The Silence

[Verse 1]
"After years of torture, the war is over now.
Our so called leader found another path to go.
So I'm on my way back, to my homeland, to my friends.
And I'm looking forward to see my wife and son again

Than I see some black smoke in the air.
Where is my house, where is my land"
They say the ruins I'm standing on
Are the graveyard of my son.

Thunder in the silence
Our soldiers fought and died.
Thunder in the silence
Our leader grew their might.
Thunder in the silence
See the burning land.
Thunder in the silence
I'm coming home again.
I'm coming home again.

[Verse 2]
They said we'd fight for glory. For our children to be free.
But now that all is over, there is no one left to be.
I'm standing on that wasteland. Under blackened trees.
And below the ashes lies my family.
And I still remember the day I left.Majesty - Thunder In The Silence -
When my little son stood up from bed.
"Will we meet again?" with tears he asked.
And I betrayed 'cause I said: "Yes!"


And what if all the ones I killed,
Where the sons of a father like myself?.


What will our children learn
When all their houses burn?

When the thunder fills the sky
And on the earth our children die.
Than a man of true honor feels the pain.
With his hands full of blood he is home again.

A false king has told him lies.
He lost his son, he lost his wife.
He takes his sword for the last, casts his spell.
And he judged all false leaders, than himself.

What will our children learn
When all their houses burn?

Serbian translation

Majesty - Grom u tišini (Serbian translation)

(Strofa 1)
''Nakon godina mučenja, rat je sada gotov.
Naš takozvani vođa našao je drugi put da ide.
Tako sam na svom putu nazad, mojoj domovini, mojim prijateljima.
I veselim se da vidim moju ženu i sina ponovo

Onda vidim neki crni dim u vazduhu.
Gde je koja kuća, gde je moje zemljište''
Kažu ruševine na kojima stojim
Su groblje mog sina.

Grom u tišini
Naši vojnici su se borili i umrli.
Grom u tišini
Naš vođa je uvećao njihovu moć.
Grom u tišini
Vidi spaljeno zemljište
Grom u tišini
Ponovo dolazim kući.
Ponovo dolazim kući.

(Strofa 2)
Rekli su da ćemo se boriti za slavu. Za našu decu da budu slobodna.Majesty - Thunder In The Silence -
Ali sad kad je sve gotovo, niko nije ostao da bude.
Stoijim na tom pustošu. Ispod pocrnelih drveća.
A pod pepelom leži moja porodica.
I još uvek se sećam dana kad sam otišao.
Kad je moj sinčić ustao iz kreveta.
''Da li ćemo se sresti ponovo?'' sa suzama je pitao.
A ja sam izneverio jer sam rekao: ''Da!''


A šta ako su svi koje sam ubio,
Bili sinovi očeva poput mene?


Šta će naša deca da nauče
Kad sve njihove kuće izgore?

Kad grom ispuni nebo
A na zamlji naša deca umru.
Onda čovek istinske časti oseća bol.
Sa rukama punim krvi kući je ponovo.

Lažni kralj ispričao mu je laži.
Izgubio je svog sina, izgubio svoju ženu.
Uzima svoj mač za kraj, baca svoju čaroliju.
I presudio je svim lažnim vođama, onda sebi.

Šta će naša deca da nauče
Kad sve njihove kuće izgore?

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