Marina Viskovic - Pogrešan raj
Ubij se, ne odgovaram
sa tobom neću i ne moram
jedno drugom početak smo
al' ne i kraj Uzalud sam te volela
al' što bih uzalud umrla
jer i život i srmt za nas
pogrešan su raj Pa šta ako nikad ne saznam
šta sam mogla da imam
šta da sam te noći sa tobom ostalaMarina Viskovic - Pogrešan raj -
i da sam stala Pa šta ako sit si života
i to što te grize sramota
svih mojih snova dugačak je red
ma samo napred Ref. Pa šta ako nikad ne saznam
tvoje poslednje reči
k'o da tu se ništa nije desilo
ja ću sad leći Pa šta ako sit si zivota
i to što te grize sramota
svih mojih snova dugačak je red
ma samo napred Ref.
Marina Viskovic - The wrong kind of heaven (English translation)
Kill yourself, I'm not the one for you
I don't want to, nor have to be with you
we're each other's beginning
but not each other's ending
I loved you in vain
but why should I die in vain
because life and death for us
is the wrong kind of heaven
So what if I never find out
what I could've had
if I stayed that night with youMarina Viskovic - Pogrešan raj -
and if I'd stopped
So what if you've had enough of life
and the fact that shame eats at your conscience
the list of my dreams is too long
so just go ahead
So what if I never find out
what your last words were
I'll go to bed now and act like
nothing has happened
So what if you've had enough of life
and the fact that shame eats at your conscience
the list of my dreams is too long
so just go ahead