Martin Smith - Shout to the North
1. Men of faith, rise up and sing
of the great and glorious King.
You are strong when you feel weak
in your brokenness complete. Chorus
We will shout to the north and the south,
sing to the east and the west;
Jesus is Savior to all,
Lord of Heaven and earth. 2. Rise up, women of the truth,
stand and sing to broken hearts,Martin Smith - Shout to the North -
Who can know the healing power
of our awesome King of love. Bridge
We've been through fire, we've been through rain,
We've been refined by the power of His name;
We've fallen deeper in love with You,
You've burned the truth on our lips. 3. Rise up church with broken wings,
fill this place with songs again
Of our God Who reigns on high,
by His grace again we'll fly.
Martin Smith - Griten al Norte (Spanish translation)
1. Hombre de fe, alza y canta
al gran y glorioso rey.
eres fuerte cuando te sientes debil
en tu completo quebrantar .
Gritaremos al Norte y al sur
cantando de este a oeste
Jesùs es salvador de todos,
señor del cielo y la tierra .
2. Alzate, mujer de confianza,
de pie y canta para los corazones rotosMartin Smith - Shout to the North -
quien conoce el poder sanador
de nuestro maravilloso rey del amor.
Hemos estado en fuego, hemos estado en lluvia,
hemos sido ree-definidos por el poder de su nombre,
hemos caido tan profundo en amor contigo
has quemado la verdad sobre nuestros labios.
3. Alzate iglesia con las alas rotas,
llena este lugar otra vez con canciones
de nuestro señor que reina en las alturas,
por su gracia volaremos de nuevo .