Monther El3lou - 7obak Ba7r
7obak ba7r mala 7doud W esmak eb galbi mawjoud Inta taraktou lel 3omr W tdee3 3omri kel ??? Ta3ala ensa yalli faat Khala shoufak bas la7aat Sadegni ma egdar ensaak 7obi elak lel mamaat Bas kel eshi fet mnee B hay el sor3a tohjorni La ya thalem Ma3qoula ahoun 3alaik rou7ou w tb3di 3anneeMonther El3lou - 7obak Ba7r -
Monther El3lou - Your Love is an Ocean (English translation)
Your love is an ocean with no boundaries
And your name is present in my heart
You've left it for life
And my entire life will be lost
Come forget the past
Let me see you for a moment
Believe me I can't forget you
My love for you is endless
Everything that has come from me
With all this speed leaves me
No, you're placing guilt
Is it possible you don't feel bad and can go and leave me
Monther El3lou - 7obak Ba7r -