Muharem Serbezovski - Rastajemo se mi
Rastajemo se mi
veruj nije mi lako
šta sad mogu ja tu
kad tvoji žele tako Ref.
Odlaziš sva u suzama
zbog nas plačeš to znam
što se ludo volimoMuharem Serbezovski - Rastajemo se mi -
al' ipak se rastajemo Nežno sad kaplje suza
iz oka pada tvog
i dok se tvoji raduju
deo si srca mog Ref. Ne diraj staru ranu
zbog koje sve me boli
ostavi mene na miru
uvek ću da te volim Ref.
Muharem Serbezovski - We're splitting up (English translation)
We're splitting up
Believe me it's not easy for me
What can I do now
When it's your parents/family wish
You're leaving all in tears
You're cyring because of us, I know
Because of the fact that we love each other like crazyMuharem Serbezovski - Rastajemo se mi -
But are splitting up anyway
Softly a tear is now
Dropping from your eye
And while your parents/family is happy
You are a part of my heart
Don't touch my old wound
Because of which (wound) everything hurts me
Leave me alone
I'll always love you