Natalie Dizdar
Natalie Dizdar

Stranac Lyrics English translation


Natalie Dizdar - Stranac

Na kraju ostane sjećanje
I nemirna praznina
Bio si bolji nego što bi ikad priznala
Gdjegod da pogledam vidim te
I u tami punog kina
Oči ti blistaju
Tko je ona da ti znači kao ja Kad sretnu nam se pogledi
U oku ti se ne vidi Stranac
Samo mi ne budi stranac
Sama ovog puta bojim se
Samo mi ne budi stranac
Što me otvori slatko i lako i zauvijek
Volim te Na kraju ostane kajanjeNatalie Dizdar - Stranac -
Izgovoreno ništa
Bila sam hladna i sebična
Pokvarila sam sve
Ljeto i jesen su otišli
Došuljala se zima
Od tebe vijesti ne dolaze
Sve što znam je čekanje Kad sretnu nam se pogledi
U oku ti se ne vidi Stranac
Samo mi ne budi stranac
Sama ovog puta bojim se
Samo mi ne budi stranac
Što me otvori slatko i lako i zauvijek
Volim te

English translation

Natalie Dizdar - STRANGER (English translation)

Left in the end are memories and an unsettling emptiness
You were better then I would ever admit to
Where ever I look I see you, even in the darkness of a full theater
Your eyes are blissful, who is she
Does she mean to you as I do

Then our gazes meet
In your eyes I don't see myself

Stranger, just don't be my stranger
Alone, this path I'm afraid
Stranger, just don't be my stranger
That wins me so heavenly and easily, for ever
I love you

Left in the end is regret, and no resposeNatalie Dizdar - Stranac -
I was cold and selfish, I ruined everything
Summer and autumn have passed
Winter lurks in
No news from you arrives
All I know to do is wait

And our stares meet
In your eyes I don't see myself

Stranger, just don't be my stranger
Alone, this path I'm afraid
Stranger, just don't be my stranger
That wins me so heavenly and easily for ever
I love you

For the song "Stranac", there are 2 versions of the english translation:

version [1]version [2]

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