Angel Haze has tweeted about the treatment of a gay passenger on a recent flight with Virgin Airlines, calling the airline disgustingly ignorant.
The extended rant from Haze took place after she boarded one of the airline's flights. While onboard she witnessed the cabin crew mock a girl who Haze describes as quite clearly being a lesbian. They refer to her as a man before smirking to one another about her appearance. The incident took place on Friday (21 March).
Wow. Literally just witnessed the most disgustingly ignorant shit happen on my @VirginAtlantic flight. Your employees are disgusting.
A girl (with a haircut who was both clearly a girl and a lesbian) comes onto the flight and the flight attendant says "good morning sir,"
"55c is where you'll be seated" the girl continues on and a male flight attendant laughs and goes "that was a girl" to which the other one
Replies "I already knew that." Wow. Bitch. No. Like she is getting all types of evil stares from me. Fucking pig in a blanket lookin ass.
The way people are so capable of making excuses for ignorance or abuse that doesn't at all pertain to them doesn't amuse me. So stop.
Following on from the tweets Haze hasn't commented on the incident, however Virgin have reportedly reached out to the rapper for more details on what exactly happened.