Courtney Love has revealed Orlando Bloom has helped her stay off drugs.
The former Hole singer claims she and the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' actor meet daily to perform Buddhist chants together, which help her stay clean. Love, 43, said: "We chant every day. The 12-step programme demands that you have a spiritual practice that you do daily.
"I love Orlando for this. He doesn't mind being outed as a Buddhist. I don't mind talking about it because it has changed my entire life, changed everything - restructured my body, restructured my physicality. Truly I can, not all the time, but I can take joy at really s****y situations." The widow of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain also admitted Britney Spears' recent meltdown reminded her of her wild past.
Love - who was pictured handcuffed to a stretcher in 2004 when she was hospitalised for erratic behaviour - told US TV show 'Access Hollywood': "I was in rehab three-and-a-half years ago. And it worked. "I know the exactitudes of what's going on, having been there. "Here is what is going to happen if she doesn't get help - something very, very bad is going to happen. Marilyn Monroe was strapped to a stretcher too, but other than me and Britney, no one else has ever been strapped to a stretcher.
"People need to be more educated about drugs and the effect of drugs. It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, addiction is a genetic condition and it is a disease. It's a part of our brain that doesn't care about consequences, and doesn't care if our children are going to get taken away."
Love - who has a 15-year-old daughter, Frances Bean - also claims to have helped troubled star Lindsay Lohan. She said: "I went up to Lindsay's room one time and there was a show on called '101 Celebrity Oops' and I am like every other one, you know - boobs out, legs everywhere, throwing s**t at Madonna, you know, whatever. I'm like 'Lindsay, look! Drugs are bad!'"