Outspoken female artists such as Courtney Love, Sia and Yoko Ono are supporting the launch of The School of Doodle.
Joining these three are other artists including Kim Gordon, Cat Power, Pussy Riot, visual artist Jenny Holzer, and acress Natasha Lyonne among others have been enlisted to help launch School of Doodle.
The School of Doodle will be a new online high school for girls that seeks to "[activate] girls' imaginations through entertainment, education and community."
The campaign, taking place on Kickstarter, is seeking to raise $75,000 and will do so in part with a collection of doodles and drawings by those musicians as well as many other prolific feminist artists. The book will be available for a $50 donation, which will go towards funding the school.
Speaking on the use of the word 'imagination' instead of 'creativity', creator Molly Logan said in an email to MTV: "We find that people interpret creativity as tied to art or learned skills while they all agree that imagination is something everyone has and takes many forms. Lessons will not be restricted to art and the development of the curriculum will be driven by our Doodle community and our teen board of directors."
The project has raised over $40,000 in less than a week. If it reaches its goal, School of Doodle is expected to open in late 2014.