To celebrate the release of his new album, 'x', Ed Sheeran will launch the world's first interactive, full length music TV advert on Thursday 26th June.
The advert will allow viewers to vote on which song from Ed's new album 'x' they want him to perform in its entirety. The track that receives the most votes via Twitter will premiere in the final ad break of The Big Bang Theory on E4 on Thursday 26th June.
The first section of the innovative two-part TVC will air prior to the start of the show, featuring Ed explaining the idea and social voting mechanism. During the programme, the amount of hashtag mentions across Twitter will be monitored in real time to determine which track Ed will perform in the second part of the advert . This will air at the end of the show, running for the entire 3.20 duration of the ad break and will feature Ed in an intimate studio space performing the viewer-nominated song acoustically, in 1 uninterrupted take.
The first advert will air at 7.58pm on Thursday 26th June on E4, before The Big Bang Theory starts, with the second performance segment airing at 8.28pm, at the end of the show.
Ed says of the initiative, "For me this is a really cool way to show songs from the album that fans will have never seen performed in this way before. It gives my fans the chance to decide which songs from the new album they want to see most, their involvement is really important to me".
Ed's new album 'x' is released on 23 June and is currently #1 on iTunes in 65 countries!
'x' on iTunes today
Album: x
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