Gary Oldman news

Gary Oldman Dismisses Tinker, Tailor Oscar Talk

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Gary Oldman News

Gary Oldman said raising kids is the `hardest thing` he`s ever done - The 53-year-old is starring in the new movie Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy but admitted being …
September 12, 2011

The 53-year-old is starring in the new movie Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy but admitted being …

Gary Oldman 'Lucky' To Have Landed Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy Role - Gary Oldman has said that he feels "lucky" to have landed the role of George Smiley in Tinker …
September 12, 2011

Gary Oldman has said that he feels "lucky" to have landed the role of George Smiley in Tinker …

Gary Oldman said there will be `no real car chases` in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy - The actor is taking on the lead role of George Smiley in a movie adaptation of the John le Carre …
June 24, 2011

The actor is taking on the lead role of George Smiley in a movie adaptation of the John le Carre …

Gary Oldman said it`s not important for him to work on 3D movies - The 53-year-old actor is voicing the role of a peacock called Lord Shen in the new movie, which …
June 9, 2011

The 53-year-old actor is voicing the role of a peacock called Lord Shen in the new movie, which …