Girls Aloud news

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Girls Aloud News

Girls Aloud angry at Nadine Coyle? - Girls Aloud have parted on 'terrible' terms. The 'Something New' hitmakers are allegedly furious …
March 25, 2013

Girls Aloud have parted on 'terrible' terms. The 'Something New' hitmakers are allegedly furious …

Girls Aloud agreed split this week - Girls Aloud only agreed to split this week. The quintet announced on Wednesday (20.03.13) they were …
March 22, 2013

Girls Aloud only agreed to split this week. The quintet announced on Wednesday (20.03.13) they were …

Girls Aloud split - Girls Aloud have split up. The 'Something New' hitmakers confirmed they have called it quits just …
March 21, 2013

Girls Aloud have split up. The 'Something New' hitmakers confirmed they have called it quits just …

Girls Aloud demand drops despite split rumours - Despite rumours that their forthcoming UK tour will be their last, demand to see Girls Aloud …
January 23, 2013

Despite rumours that their forthcoming UK tour will be their last, demand to see Girls Aloud …

Girls Aloud demand outstrips Cheryl five to one - Cheryl may be the most bankable member of Girls Aloud - and the only one to appear in this year's …
October 25, 2012

Cheryl may be the most bankable member of Girls Aloud - and the only one to appear in this year's …

Girls Aloud arena tour dates - Following months of speculation, the UK's greatest girl band today announced their return with …
October 20, 2012

Following months of speculation, the UK's greatest girl band today announced their return with …

Girls Aloud demand Sarah Harding enter rehab - The 29-year-old is being treated for alcohol addiction and depression in the US following her split …
October 17, 2011

The 29-year-old is being treated for alcohol addiction and depression in the US following her split …

Girls Aloud planning farewell tour? - Cheryl Cole, Sarah Harding, Nicola Roberts, Kimberley Walsh and Nadine Coyle will complete …
September 27, 2011

Cheryl Cole, Sarah Harding, Nicola Roberts, Kimberley Walsh and Nadine Coyle will complete …

Girls Aloud are set to return to the studio in January 2012 - The 'Call the Shots' group are "itching" to end the hiatus they started in 2009 ' which has seen …
June 13, 2011

The 'Call the Shots' group are "itching" to end the hiatus they started in 2009 ' which has seen …