Gypsy punk rockers Gogol Bordello released a new animated video today on Vevo. Directed by acclaimed Russian video director Aliaksei Tserakhau, the video for their single "Pala Tute" is a mixed media collage blending stop-motion animation and live action with lead singer Eugene Hütz and Gogol Bordello band mate Elizabeth Sun featured as claymation, star-crossed lovers in passing caravans venturing through time and space in re-imagined classic stories ranging from the Garden of Eden to Dracula's Transylvania.
Gogol Bordello's co-headlining tour with influential alternative rock icons Primus kicks off on July 29th in Burlington, VT at Midway Lawn. Gogol Bordello and Primus will be performing at landmark venues such as the Williamsburg Waterfront in Brooklyn, NY on July 30 and the legendary Red Rocks Amphitheatre on August 12. Gogol Bordello can also been seen on tour this summer at major festivals including Lollapalooza in Chicago and Outside Lands in San Francisco.