The wait for Guns N Roses 'Chinese Democracy' will be over on November 25. Andy Gould, of Azoff Management, has previewed three tracks from the album for the staff of the Best Buy retail chain in the USA and indicated the long overdue album will be out by the end of November.
Gould played Best Buy employees the songs 'Chinese Democracy', 'If The World' and 'There Was A Time'.
Best Buy will have exclusive rights to the sale of the G'n'R album, a sales strategy first used by Azoff for the release of the Eagles 'Long Road Out Of Eden'.
Azoff, who is also masterminding the roll-out of the new AC/DC 'Black Ice' album, did a similar deal for Acca Dacca with Wal-Mart.
G'n'R fans got their first official taste of 'Chinese Democarcy' this week when the song 'Shackler's Revenge' was released on the Rock Band 2 game.
Fans will also preview the 'If The World' track if they head to the new Russell Crowe movie 'Body of Lies'. The song is played over the closing credits.
'Chinese Democracy' is more than a decade overdue. I believe that this time the release is going to happen.