The actor’s father, Kim Ledger, is now reported to be working with the Western Australian Museum on the exhibition, which will include the Oscar he won for his role as the Joker in the Batman movie, The Dark Knight.
As well as the Oscar, the exhibition will also feature a diary Ledger kept while filming The Dark Knight, his Joker’s costume, a painting of the star by Melbourne artist, Vincent Fantauzzo, and screenings of all his movies including Brokeback Mountain, and Two Hands.
Kim Ledger has reportedly said that he and his family were “extremely pleased” to have an exhibition “preserving and providing historical personal information, objects of interest and movie paraphernalia for a display, which will attract local interest and visitors to Western Australia from interstate and overseas”.
The state’s arts minister, John Day, said: 'As well as the stories from his youth and early career, the exhibition will document his aspirations as a director, his talented work creating music videos and his formidable abilities as a chess player and photographer.”
Ledger died of an accidental overdose of sleeping pills in January 2008.
It is hoped the exhibition will open in 2012.
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Heath Ledger News
Title | Date | ||
1 | Heath Ledger exhibition planned Heath Ledger is to be the focus of a new exhibition. … | January 25, 2011 |