The 41-year-old actor, who is starring in new movie Gulliver's Travels, said he felt the pressure to lie to his friends about his sexual experience as a child.
He said to Britain's Total Film magazine: 'The biggest whopper lie of all - that I was not a virgin. That's the big lie that everyone tells. No one can admit they are a virgin.
'I started saying it when I guess I was around 10 years old. Once you hit the double digits you want to feel like you've got there. OK... maybe I was 11. Or even 12. Am I lying now? Possibly. Somewhere around there.'
He added: 'Let's say pre-teen. I remember this pretty vividly; people would ask: 'Have you ever done it?' And I would say: 'Yeah, one time.' Where? 'An orgy.'
'I had no idea how these things worked, so I said: 'Yeah, I had to pay a nickel to get in and then you could do it.' They said: 'Where's the person?' 'She moved to Canada.' That's the original real fib to cover up insecurities - that's what it's all about.'