The singer turned actor's co-star, Tiya Sircar, says filming a scene where he appears in nothing but his underwear in front of her was a 'wild day'.
She said: 't didn't suck. There were onlookers, and it was a pretty wild day.
'And yes, he did many takes of pants dropping.
"It might have been awkward for some of the passersby.
"But once they saw it was Justin Timberlake, it was probably exciting."
Tiya added she was personally excited about seeing Justin in very few clothes as she has been a huge fan of his, ever since he was in boy band *NSYNC - who formed in 1995.
She said: '[I was] Timberlake's biggest fan - since like early *NSYNC days.
'He's not exactly, in person, how I thought he would be.
"On set he was very professional and a lot more mild mannered than I thought he'd be. He was kind of quiet and very focused on his work."
Tiya also commended the 30-year-old star, adding to"I think he's a legitimate triple threat - He's like a constant performer. To get to work with him was so enticing."
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