It's strongly rumoured that Keith Richards is planning to write his autobiography, though his advisers are currently being cagey about the idea. Despite his agent, Ed Victor, playing down the possibility, he did reveal an autobiographical book of the Stone could be "the greatest rock 'n' roll book of all time".
The original Stone has been a legend for over 40 years, and at the ripe young age of 63 still has the capacity to make the news, as demonstrated when he fell out of a tree last year in Fiji causing dates from the bands world tour to be postponed.
If the book goes ahead we'll expect some candid memoirs, depending of course if he can remember anything! Though Cap'n Jack Sparrow's inspiration is a tough old boot who alleged can still whip fitness fanatic Mick Jagger's sorry arse on the tennis court.
Potentially it should be a rock autobiography to beat all, and a must for aspiring and perspiring rockers everywhere.
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