The 'Bleeding Love' singer – who has been dating Lou Al-Chamaa for five years – is outraged by men who send raunchy messages to people other than their girlfriends, and thinks it is as bad as infidelity.
She said: "Is it as bad as cheating? Yes, as it could lead to something else – why did they have a girl's number in the first place? There's obviously some intention.
"It's a dumpable offence, for sure."
The 24-year-old beauty says she and former electrician Lou keep their relationship on track by showing their "appreciation" for one another and spending time together on romantic dates.
She explained: "I'm a romantic but I like to be private about my romantic life. I like doing stuff such as going for meals. I think you should show your appreciation all the time.
"We're always communicating. I love Blackberry Messenger!"
Leona believes part of their romantic success is that their relationship is grounded in a solid friendship.
Discussing her secrets to a successful romance, she quipped to more! magazine: "I guess I'm still discovering that myself, but trust, friendship and having fun are key.
"I think that's really important to any relationship."